<div1 type="part"> <pb/> <head>INTRODUCTION</head> <div2 type="chapter" n="I"> <head>I</head> <div3 type="section" n="1"> <head>1—IMPORTANCE OF THE PO HU T'UNG.</head> <p>The <i>Po hu t'ung</i> pretends to be the official report of the discussions <lb/> on the Classics which were held under Imperial auspices in 79 A.D., <lb/> <!-- div3 continues --> </div3> <div3 type="section" n="2"> <head>2—THE SCHOLARS WHO MADE A STUDY OF THE PO HU T'UNG.</head> <p>Indeed, the question is warranted whether the <i>Po hu t'ung</i> on <lb/> the whole is genuine and reliable. May we see it as the true report <lb/> <!-- etc. --> </div3> </div2> <div2 type="chapter" n="II"> <head>II</head> <div3 type="section" n="26"> <head>26—DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT PO HU T'UNG.</head> <p>The 1305 edition of the <i>Po hu t'ung</i> is very faulty. Lu Wên-ch'ao, <lb/> probably in a moment of extreme bitterness exclaims: "But the <lb/> <!-- etc. --> </div3> </div2> </div1>